What We Are Reading

The payments world is being transformed rapidly digitally … are you keeping up?

Sitting down to blog today, I wondered what was the difference between A2A and P2P. I’m sure you know that A2A is Account-to-Account and P2P is Peer-to-Peer, but surely they are one and the same thing? Ahem, no. According to Brite, a player in the ...


Is Trump the killer of the slippard?

I recently read a book to my kids. It was Dr Seuss’ I Had Trouble In Getting to Solla Sollew which, if you don’t know the book, involves an arduous journey to Solla Sollew, “where they never have troubles! At least, very few”. Solla Sollew is believed to be ...


A new American Government? What will that mean for Fintech?

I blogged the other day A new British Government: what does it mean for fintech? and asked the question of how the new Labour government could maintain the UK’s leadership in this space. Today, I’m asking the other question about our special relationship with America, and what a ...


Trying to Persuade and Other Big Mistakes Marketers Make

And if you interview most chief marketing officers and business leaders, they will tell you, I think there was a recent Gartner survey that said that 78 or ... they make in your Egg McMuffin and the 100% USDA beef and all of these positive things that ...


Is Europe failing due to regulations? #Microsoft #IT #Outage

There’s been a meme going around for a while now that America is great at invention and innovation; Asia is great at industrialising and maximising America’s inventions; and Europe is fantastic at blocking all of it through regulations. The Eurocrat regime rules. What’s the reality? Well, it ...


With great power, comes great threat #Revolut

With great power, comes great responsibility. It’s a quote from Spiderman, but actually not. It’s from Spiderman’s Uncle Ben. Well, it’s not tbh. It’s from Voltaire … or is it? Wherever it is from, it’s a great phrase. So, here’s a new one. With ...


The Finanser’s Week: 15th July – 21st July 2024

This week’s main blog discussions include … The CloudStrike issue and its impact on Microsoft I was talking with my 8 year-old son and said that the whole world had just stopped. He asked what do you mean? I replied that everything stopped. Airlines, banks, shops, trains, hospitals and more. He ...